Tutoring to help young people reach their full potential

I am available to take your call on 07713 153 157 Monday to Friday (9am to 7pm) and Saturday (10am to 2pm). If you are not able to phone me directly, leave me a short message through the website and I will phone you back. Please let me know your preferred time to call you.

I will discuss your requirements with you, answer your questions and be able to advise you. The information that I need may include the purpose and ambition for the tuition along with the academic subject and the level of study to allow me to suggest the right session for your child.

Sessions take place at The Neston Club and are limited to 6 children per session.

Each session is one hour long.

Tuition Fees:
  • Group sessions (up to 6 students) £25 per session
  • 1-1 sessions £35 per session

Fully insured:
  • Professional indemnity - £1m cover
  • Public and product liability - £2m cover

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